Trademark registration in India fee calculator

You can use the below calculator to find out the actual fee applicable for your trademark registration in India

We offer to the below mentioned attorney fee options

Action based fee

  • Attorney fee for preparing and filing a trademark application in India
  • Additional fee for responding to office actions
  • Additional fee for preparing evidences and arguments
  • Additional fee for attending hearings with the examiner

Capped Flat fee

  • Attorney fee for preparing and filing a trademark application in India
  • No further fee for responding to office actions
  • No further fee for preparing evidences and arguments
  • No further fee for attending hearings with the examiner

Fee for foreign applicants in US Dollars

Action based attorney fee for a Trademark Registration in India

ParticularsIndian Rupees
Consultation charges per hour or part thereof5000
Search of Trademark Database1000
Attorney fee for filing an application for Trademark2000
Filing a response to an office action1500
Amendment of application due to objections1000
Attending to serious objections at the Trademark office/hearing2000
Alternatively – Fixed one time ATTORNEY fee for filing & prosecution of application till registration6500

The above fee would be applicable for an application which does not face a third party opposition. Opposition proceedings are uncertain in degree and complexity, so a fee for these can not be predicted.

Requirements for filing an application for trademark registration in India:

To file an application for Trademark Registration in India we would require:

  1. The name, address, and nationality of the applicant. If the applicant is a partnership firm, the names of all the partners, and if the applicant is a company, then the home country and the state of incorporation is to be mentioned.
  2. A list of goods and/or services for which registration is required.
  3. The image of the mark in PDF/JPG format.
  4. If the mark contains or consists of non-English words, a translation of those words into English is required.
  5. If the application is to claim priority from an earlier filed convention application, details of that application are also required (application number, filing date, country, and goods/services). A certified priority document or its duly notarized copy is to be submitted. If the certificate is not in English, then a certified/notarized English translation is also required. If it is not readily available, the application can be filed based on the basic application number, date of the application, and country of the application.
  6. A copy of the priority document can be submitted within 1 month from the filing date of the application.
  7. Affidavit mentioning the date of first use of the trademark in India, if an earlier usage is claimed.
  8. Power of attorney simply signed by the applicant (no legalization or notarization is required). For Indian clients, power of attorney to be executed in 100 Rupees stamp paper and signed by the applicant. The power of attorney is not required at the time of lodging the application and can be submitted later with no additional cost.

Contact us

You can get in touch with us on address, emails and phone numbers given here.

Phone: +91.9860588440

You may make a phone call between 11:00 am and 11:00 pm India time.

Send all post and documents to the ULHASNAGAR office.


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